Empowering healthcare professionals with a more efficient & collaborative curbside experience
Connect referring and consulting providers locally and beyond to determine optimal patient care as quickly as possible.

Access to medical expertise for anyone, anywhere, anytime.

A more connected digital curbside experience.

Create more equitable access, reduce costs, and optimize care by empowering healthcare professionals with seamless curbside collaboration, shared documentation, and revenue generation.

Why DocSide is the place for you
Connect Your Community
Build your referring and consulting community to exchange knowledge and deliver comprehensive care to your patients.
Invite your colleagues today!
Unlock Timely Access to Specialty Expertise
Share clinical information and communicate with other verified Qualified Healthcare Professionals in a HIPAA compliant platform to make informed decisions that provide customized care and optimized outcomes.
Capture Charges
Earn revenue for work you already do plus document your assessment and recommendations.
Reduce Healthcare Costs
Minimize unnecessary in-person visits and treat the patients most in need of your expertise.
Save Patients Time and Effort
Avoid patients' driving to additional appointments and cultivate safe, high quality, and equitable care.
any patient, anywhere, anytime.

Referring Providers
Deliver exceptional care to your patients by accessing specialists willing and able to respond to your questions with timely recommendations.


Consulting Providers
Realize the value of your expertise by sharing your medical knowledge with referring colleagues through interprofessional consultations.

Experience the Value of the DocSide
E-consults give physicians and patients quicker access to specialists, improve patient experiences, help physicians find joy in medicine, streamline care, and eliminate system waste.1
Consult with your colleagues
The Los Angeles County Department of Health went live with an e-consult program in July 2012. Since then, the program has completed over 2 million e-consults with recent monthly e-consult volumes approximating 18,000.2
Share medical expertise on the fly
87% of e-consults are completed in less than 10 minutes.3
Avoid unnecessary office visits for specialty care
From April 2018 to October 2020, over 7,000 e-consults were placed across 28 adult health specialties . . . only 2.5% of answered e-consults resulted in an in-person visit within 30 days (indication of effectiveness).4
Save patients the inconvenience of travel time and distance
Between 2012-2018 the Veterans Health Administration completed 3,117,998 e-consults. By 2018, e-consults made up approximately 7% of all consults requested. Each e-consult was estimated to save 84.3 miles of travel, resulting in 170,658,048 fewer miles of patient travel over a 7-year period with cost-savings of $46 million for travel reimbursement.5
Recognize revenue for curbside consults
Most common interprofessional consultations have a value of 0.7 wRVU.6 Submitted charges for interprofessional consultations range from $110 to $150 per encounter.7
Reduce the cost of care
Studies demonstrate e-consults reduce total cost of care by between 36% and 83%.8
Statistic Citations
1. TA Henry, What e-consults can do for your patients—and your practice. Jul 25, 2023. AMA Digital.
2. Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. Board Memo. June 26, 2024.
3. Bradi AC, Sitwell L, Liddy C, Afkham A, Keely E. Ask a neurologist: What primary care providers ask, and reducing referrals through eConsults. Neurol Clin Pract. 2018 Jun;8(3):186-191.
4. Thompson MA, Fuhlbrigge AL, Pearson DW, Saxon DR, Oberst-Walsh LA, Thomas JF. Building eConsult (Electronic Consults) Capability at an Academic Medical Center to Improve Efficiencies in Delivering Specialty Care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec;12:21501327211005303.
5. Saxon DR, Kaboli PJ, Haraldsson B, Wilson C, Ohl M, Augustine MR. Growth of electronic consultations in the Veterans Health Administration. Am J Manag Care. 2021 Jan;27(1):12-19.
6. 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.
7. https://www.fairhealthconsumer.org/medical/reimbursement
8. Thielke A, King V. Electronic Consultations: A Triple Win for Patients, Clinicians, and Payers. Milbank Memorial Fund. June 2020.

Qualified Healthcare Professionals
Gain equitable access to specialty expertise among all Qualified Healthcare Professionals
Deliver timely and optimal care for your patients
Capture charges/RVU credits for the work you already do
Streamline workflows to save time and reduce costs

Hospitals & Systems
Increase equitable access to specialty expertise and optimize outcomes
Prevent patient leakage while expanding your catchment area
Reduce costs by minimizing unecessary in-person visits
Recognize and utilize the time and medical expertise of your QHPs Capture revenue for the work already being done

Insurance Payors
Reduce the cost to serve patients by minimizing unecessary in-person patient visits
Facilitate timely and equitable access to specialty expertise for your provider network
Minimize cost per member while optimizing patient outcomes
About Us
Healthcare professionals have questions about their patients and the answers simply cannot wait . . . but curbsides are easier said than done.
So we designed the curbside experience you'd design if you had the free time to do it. A place where quality specialty care is available to everyone without delays. Where care is customized, and outcomes optimized.
Where you and over 3 million other healthcare professionals can improve care for over 300 million potential patients. DocSide is the place that will finally make a disconnected curbside process…more connected.
Ultimately, we're all in healthcare to help patients thrive. Join the DocSide to deliver safe, high-quality, and equitable care for
any patient, anywhere, anytime.

Richard E. Popwell, Jr., M.D.
Dr. Popwell obtained his Doctor of Medicine from Tulane University and completed a neurology residency at the San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium. He practices neurology, serves as a Regional Medical Director of Specialty Care for a globally recognized health system, and is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology. As a co-founder of DocSide, Rich has a passion to improve healthcare through innovation.

Karlina Popwell, M.A.
Karlina earned a Master’s degree from Tulane University. Her experience includes strategic planning, fund-raising, marketing, product development, and clinical trial accrual. She has also spearheaded several volunteer leadership positions. Through DocSide, Karlina hopes to make a positive impact for patients, physicians, and their families.